Flagstad Farm
50-acres of restored Prairie
Prairie Restoration
Row-cropped farm fields draining directly to the lake through three large culverts were planted to native prairie grass and flowers in June 2003. This conversion significantly reduces pollutant loading to the lake. Seeds for the 100+ prairie species planted here were collected and grown within 50 miles of the prairie restoration site creating one of the largest local-ecotype prairies in the state.
Gravel Pit Reclamation
The Conservancy hauled out three truckloads (five tons) of scrap metal and other garbage, and then had the area shaped and seeded to native prairie. Native lupine now covers the hill.
Wetland Restoration
Plugging a drainage ditch along the southern property boundary resulted in additional water-holding capacity in a pond and decreased agricultural runoff to Deer Lake, which is now filtered by the prairie.
Annual Picnic
The Conservancy in cooperation with the Deer Lake Improvement Association holds an annual picnic for the residents of Deer Lake to enjoy an evening near the restored prairie of Flagstad Farm. Held on the last Saturday in July, there is always good wine, food, and wonderful music as well as the company of your friends and neighbors on Deer Lake.
This event is an opportunity for lake residents to learn more about the Deer Lake Conservancy and their efforts to continue in the preservation and beautification of Deer Lake.

~ Ernest Oberholtzer