Homeowner Projects
Deer Lake homeowners play an important role in keeping Deer Lake waters clean. They have installed dozens of conservation practices under the Deer Lake Conservancy’s Direct Drainage Project. The project, which began in 2006 and continues to this day, is supported by Department of Natural Resources Surface Water Grants. Direct drainage projects focus on reducing runoff and erosion (and therefore nutrients and sediment) from both neighborhood-scale areas and from individual waterfront lots.
Progress through 8/10/2023:
- Waterfront property visits and recommendations: 146 properties. This represents 50 percent of the 295 property addresses on Deer Lake!
- Waterfront projects have been installed on 57 properties. Property owners are responsible for operation and maintenance.
- Neighborhood projects were installed on an additional four properties.
Deer Lake residents are encouraged to identify runoff concerns and work with the Deer Lake Conservancy executive director or a landscaper to identify ways to divert runoff to well-buffered or newly created infiltration areas. Common infiltration practices include rain gardens and rock infiltration pits or trenches. Native plantings are also supported.
Free waterfront on-site consultations are available to Deer Lake property owners. These on-site visits to evaluate runoff and erosion from a property and identify potential solutions take about 45 minutes. A visit is the first step to accessing available grant funding.

Deer Lake Homeowner Rain Garden